Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to reach your target audience efficiently and cost effectively.

At Accountable Web Designs we create custom eblasts, using your client or patient lists or purchasing them on your behalf based on set criteria, designed to wow your customers and drive business. Our email marketing includes customized design, content and messaging delivered using any of the following electronic formats:
- Splash pages
- Dedicated landing pages
- Eblasts
Further we provide robust tracking and metrics so you know exactly what your customers are doing and if they are performing the desired behaviors, i.e., submitting an inquiry, requesting additional information, purchasing a product. or making and appointment
Campaigns in MailChimp, ExactTarget, Constant Contact, Hubspot, and other email marketing platforms.
Email marketing that gets past the spam filter!
- MailChimp, Constant Contact, ExactTarget, Hubspot, and other email marketing services
- Call to Action buttons on custom HTML email designs
- Marketing Automation and Lead Nurturing
- Custom Email Design Templates
- Building a List Based on Subscriptions
- Reporting and Analysis on a Weekly/Monthly Basis